Self-Esteem - Self-worth
Self-esteem is what we consciously believe about ourselves. It can be transient and volatile. One moment can you be feeling good about yourself, the next you can be feeling down and out, and incapable.
There is underlying negative self-talk which we are unaware of. It is associated with ‘self-worth’. Healthy self-worth, provides the basis for stable self-esteem and confidence.
Low self-esteem and self-worth can interfere with your desires and abilities by:
- Blocking you from achieving your inner desires.
- Preventing you from being who you want to be.
- Creating fear about ‘speaking up’ and contributing opinions and ideas.
- Being overly worried about what others may think of you.
- Preventing you from joining in leisure or recreational activities.
- Holding back performance at work.
- Holding back success in ventures.
- Making you very self-conscious and shy.
- Stifling the expression of creativity and imagination.
- Being fearful of starting or seeking new relationships.
Counselling can strengthen self-worth and resilience.
Healthy Self-worth is the recognising of oneself. It is the deeper belief that I am of value and acceptable, irrespective of my performance and the judgement of others.
Childhood and later experiences can crush the innate positive self-worth we are born with. Positive self-worth removes the constant dependence on the approval of others.
When the inner beliefs/dialogue changes to positive regard for yourself, you are being freed from the chains holding you back.
Counselling provides an empathic, non-judgemental and safe environment to promote awareness and compassion for these sensitive unconscious messages, and so improve self-worth.
It also provides the opportunity to reconnect with our original ‘essence’ and who we are meant to be.
See – My approach.