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Online Counselling

inner reaches counselling

Emotion Focused Therapy

My Approach - Emotion Focused Therapy

Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) is an integrative and inclusive psychotherapeutic approach. It brings together holistic and contemporary processes for the well-being of the mind and body. 

To seek counselling can be personally difficult.  You are welcome to contact me to organise a free 15 minute phone chat, so you can ask questions about the therapy. You can also ask questions via the contact page.

The counselling process is ‘person centred’. This means you are treated with respect, acceptance, positive regard and there is no judgement of you.

I recognise you (the client) have the innate ability to move along the path of resolution, and you are the author of your own life.The sessions are confidential, empathic and supportive.

I provide a safe and caring space, so you feel as comfortable as possible while we proceed. This brings the opportunity for change to occur, a gradual building of trust, strength, resilience and understanding so that healing can progress. The sessions proceed at a pace you are comfortable with.

To know more please keep reading.

Exploring more

Emotion Focused counselling is more than ‘talk therapy.’ When appropriate, we can work with emotions (deeper work) which are a key influence on behaviour and feelings. Sometimes Talk therapy is all that is needed to clarify an issue for you. Othertimes Talk therapy helps prepare the way for exploriing the issue further.

I provide support and guidance during the counselling process; you control the pace and content.

During the therapy, there is natural growth in awareness, which is a means for exploration of the issue/s. Awareness fosters spontaneity, creativity, being freer and more conscious choices. See the Benefits of Counselling.

Ripple Effect

EFT processes increase self-awareness, self-understanding and helps self-actualisation. The benefits of working with one issue can have a positive ripple effect. 

The outcome of the ripple effect is the improvement of other aspects of our life within, our personal environment and broader community. 

As the issue resolves, doorways open to new possibilities, creativity, intuition, understanding others better, discovery of meaning and purpose and experiencing life in a richer way.

Please Note: Counselling is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you are on medication or having medical treatment and wish to change it, you should consult your health professional first.